
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Quince flowers in December!

Warm fall has brought many wonders, including flowers blooming out of season....Hey, Mr. Ant!  Get yourself to hibernation before you turn into an ant-cycle! After having this MacPro for nearly 2 years I finally learned how to make a movie out of stills! Hey, it's my first still video--have a heart.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Warm Fall

quince in December with Mr. Ant
   The whole Fall has been so mild that I've been gardening right up until yesterday. The cold is coming so I guess outdoor gardening goes into storage until the Spring! Believe it of not, here are quince flowers from yesterday, Dec. 6, 2011!

 Even the ant is fooled into
 thinking it's Spring!
close up flowering quince 12-6-11

Even ivy has company!

Natural wreath on my door.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Not raking leaves!

Out in the sunshine of an unusually warm November day. NOT raking the leaves, just making my first video for YouTube. In tribute to the influence of NancyToday....this is me going on about the autumn....
(edited 12-6-11 trying to fix video's first screenshot! Can't!)